Window-Manager V1.2 (Demo-Version) by Taurus-Software Mar.1993 The DEMO-VERSION Window-Manager V1.2 is FREEWARE. That means you are allowed to copy and use it, without paying a fee to me. The Payment is only to be done, if you want to have the main-version (V1.3 or V1.4) of Window-Manager. You can use this demo-version as long as you want to;no registration will be necessary. If you want to make a copy of this program, you should copy the DOC-Files as well. Please do not spread single files. Because this program is PD, the charge for copying it should be less than the costs for creating the copy. This program mustn`t be sold comercial. WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! If you use this program, you do this on your own risk. There is no warranty for the function and the safety of the program. The improper use of this program can lead to data loss ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! Though this program was tested on various systems, it is still possible that there appear problems with YOUR system.(It is impossible to test a program on ALL Amigasystems).If there occurs a malfunction of the program on your system, please send me an exact description of the error and your Amiga-system. (used OS, Memory, Amiga type..) It is not difficult to crash the whole system (not only one task) with the program. (e.g. by using the "CLOSE" Gadget). Malfunctions resulting from an improper usage are no bugs of the program. Here is a list of all known bugs in the demo-version: (Of course they are removed in the main-version) Incorrect text rendering with topaz 9 (60 column-mode) using the gadget "NEXT" after closing the displayed window will show incorrect values. --> use "GET INFO" first. very long window-titles will leave characters in the display. If you find any other bugs, please report them to: M.Brandt Zweibrueckerstr. 42 W-6780 (D-66953) Pirmasens GERMANY